October 16th, 2024

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Forgetfulness can be precipitated by:


Addiction Alcohol Anxiety Depression Grief Heart Disease Loneliness Medications Nutrition Stroke

Emergency Medical Responders

Gretchen Heuring

Stroke and Memory Loss

By | 09.07.2014

Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in the US. Even more important, it is a leading cause of adult disability. There are many diabilities caused by stroke that have previously gone unreckognized. A tiny blood clot can cause brain damage in ways we might not readily notice such as weakness in an arm or leg, or the inability to use words properly.


Download the Stroke 101 Fact Sheet prepared by the National Stroke Association for more information.


Stroke can effect our cognition or thinking abilities. The term "cognition" refers to how we use our brains to talk, read, write, learn, understand, reason and remember.


Stroke frequently causes memory loss but not the same way for everyone. Some of the different ways include:


Verbal Memory Loss

Memory of names, places, stories and information that requires words. People with verbal memory loss, or aphasia could have different symptoms. People with Wernicke's apasia talk easily but use the wrong words, the wrong sounds in words, or even make up words. This type of phasia can also be caused by stress and panic. There are other more serious forms of aphasia effecting communications abilities.


Visual Memory Loss

Memory of shapes, faces, routes we frequently travel (including indoors), items in a box or drawer and other things we see. This type of memory loss from stroke also has simple forms like picking up a knife when a spoon is needed, and more compex forms like being unable to remember how to reach the kitchen from the bedroom, or recognizing loved ones.


Loss of the Ability to Learn

Memory damage can make it difficult or impossible to learn new things, or to remember and retrieve information. Again, there can be a variety of symptoms. One person could find it difficult to choose clothing, while someone with a more severe stroke might be unable to remember a conversation or significant life event.


Recovery Is A Journey

Recovery from stroke is often possible. With a rehabilitiation program we can relearn essential abilities like talking, eating, dressing and walking. This will be difficult work and can take a long time, but progress is certainly possible.



Man With Puzzle

Gretchen Heuring

Concentration and Memory




Think about "concentration" and "memory" as two different things like your back and your legs. You need both your back and your legs to be strong so they can work together to lift heavy things. Exercises you would choose for strengthening your back are quite different from those you would choose to develop strong legs.


Concentration means you are focusing on a particular activity or problem. Memory is the ability to remember experiences, information or people. Good concentration really helps memory so improving both is equally important. Learn more about ways to improve both:



Protect Your Memory with Dr. Neal Barnard DVD

Have you ever experienced a memory lapse? Maybe you blanked on an acquaintance's name m...


Hay House, Inc.

Signs of a stroke


Woman Cant Talk

Gretchen Heuring

No One Believed
She Had A Stroke

By | 09.24.2014


Ellie was prepared to celebrate her birthday. She would have a normal morning, baggy pants and a cup of tea then a long walk with Sue, her best friend. Her husband Will would sleep until she got back. Then the celebrations would surely begin.


She made tea and watched through the window for Sue. She felt a little sleepy but knew the tea and the walk would solve that problem. The phone rang. She tried to answer but no words came. She didn't hear her own cheery "hello" because she could not speak. She dropped her tea and the phone and put a hand to her mouth. Nothing was happening.


Will appeared. He had heard things fall and decided to check on her. She was just standing there and shaking her head. She looked at him. Later he said she looked like a scared rabbit. He put the phone back and led her to a kitchen chair. She grabbed the nearby grocery list and a pencil. "I can't talk!" She wrote.


He asked her to take a deep breath and try again. He rubbed her back a little. "Was it a prank call?" He asked.


She knew he thought she had panicked about something. "I want to go to the hospital!" she wrote.


He said, "Let's give it a little time." And she jumped up and stamped her foot.


Just then, Sue walked in. Sue saw the broken tea cup, their faces, and read the notes. "Let's go." Sue said. "I'll drive." And just like that, the two women were on their way.


Ellie had a stroke. It would be months before she could talk and years before she had full use of her voice. She did recover. It took time and patience.


As for Will, that guy became an expert on stroke victims and the importance of early response. We should all do that.